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Weekend Update #12

Syndicated From: ODonnellWeb

The weekly update, plus bits and bobs that caught my attention this week.

With the forecast predicting warm weather for the weekend, I was looking forward to enjoying a relaxing cigar and whiskey on the screen porch Friday evening. I’m allowing myself only limited moments with these pleasures as I continue healing from surge…

I’ve been tossing cigar bands into this flower vase for a while now. It gets filled, emptied, and filled again, time after time. I’m not entirely sure why I started, but it does add a touch of cigar-themed décor to the porch.When I retired last May, I …

A Birthday in Lent: Quiet Moments and Simple Pleasures

Syndicated From: Musings Over a Barrel

My birthday each year falls somewhere within the season of Lent. That means any celebrations are typically subdued, with the occasion often more notably marked after Easter. This year, the day landed on a Friday in Lent, and combined with my ongoing re…

As I continue to recover from back surgery, the days have started blending together. But the Feast of St. Patrick provided a welcome break from the routine. Even the simple act of getting a ride to the barbershop in the morning felt like a treat! Howev…

Lá fhéile Pádraig sona dhaoibh!

It’s that time of the year when a Saint revered by many, especially in the Irish-Catholic community, is embraced by people of all backgrounds. As a Catholic of Irish decent, I can find little fault with people bettering…

Weekend Update #11

Syndicated From: ODonnellWeb

The weekly update, plus bits and bobs that caught my attention this week

Bero Edge Hill Hazy IPA

Syndicated From: ODonnellWeb

Drinkable, but falls short of the best options for a NA IPA

These days, we could all use some uplifting news. A recently published study by Harvard University researchers suggests that alcohol consumption may have a beneficial effect on cholesterol levels.The study tracked a cohort of 57,691 individuals undergo…

What’s in all these folders in my music folder?

Harry’s Alehouse Wing & Beer Pairing

Harry’s Alehouse held a Wing & Craft Beer Pairing event this week, featuring beers from Flying Dog Brewery. Having attended several previous beer dinners at Harry’s, we were excited for the next adventure. We were not disappointed.Harry’s Chef Jame…


A Saturday Feast
Last Saturday we hosted a feast for nine folks in our home for an afternoon of beer and food. This was the fruit of a donation to the annual fund raising event for our son’s former elementary and middle school. Even though he’s well into his college years, Colleen and I were asked to once again donate the popular event.
The lucky bidders were treated to eight courses, featuring interesting beers paired with delectable foods prepared by Colleen. The menu was as follows…

Optimal Wit
Port City Brewing, Alexandria, Virginia
Paired with Pancake Bake with Cinnamon Streusel

Kölsch 151
Blue Mountain Brewery, Afton, Virginia
Paired with Artichoke Dip and Tortilla Chips

Grateful Pale Ale
Star Hill Brewery, Crozet, Virginia
Paired with Buffalo Chicken Sliders

Sneak Attack
21st Amendment Brewery, San Francisco, California
Paired with Olivada and Mozzarella on French Bread Crostini

Get Bent Mountain IPA
Parkway Brewing, Salem, Virginia
India Pale Ale (7.2% ABV)
Paired with Salty-Sweet Bacon Panini

Strangeways Brewing Company, Richmond & Fredericksburg, Virginia
Belgian-Style Brown Ale (6% ABV)
Paired with Parmesan Potatoes and Flank Steak

Allagash Brewery, Portland, Maine
Oak Bourbon Barrel Aged Belgian Triple (11% ABV)
Paired with Blue Cheese, Sugared Walnuts and Pears
on Mixed Greens with Balsamic Vinaigrette

Blue Mountain Dark Hollow
Blue Mountain Brewery, Afton, Virginia
Barrel-Aged Imperial Stout (10% ABV)
Paired with Brownies and Ice Cream
To go along with the copious food and drink, the afternoon featured interesting, and often raucous conversation. The beers where new to the majority of the participants. I also think we’ve created a few new craft beer fans. All of the pairings worked well and served to illustrate the versatility of beer.

While preparing for the event, Colleen and I often thought “Why are we doing this?” But in the end, it was a lot of fun. And “it’s for the children.

The ending reward for a hardworking chef.

[ This content originated at Musings Over a Barrel ]


Harry’s Alehouse Bourbon Barrel Beer Dinner

We capped off last weekend with an enjoyable event at Harry’s Alehouse. The “Bourbon Barrel Beer Dinner” promised interesting beers and good food. As we were seated our server let us know that the first course would start in about 20 minutes, and he th…


Strangeway’s Debut and Steal the Glass Event

Earlier this week, Capital Ale House in Fredericksburg hosted a Strangeways Brewing “Steal the Glass” event. As reported recently, Strangeways recently entered into an agreement to begin local distribution of their beers. Tuesday’s event marked the first Fredericksburg appearance of the beers outside of the brewery. Colleen and I decided to stop in and enjoy a few good beers and some tasty food.

Four Strangeways beers were being poured this evening; Überlin Berliner Weisse, Helles Frozen Over, Tirami’Zu Brew Rum Barrel Aged Porter and Home for the Holidays Spiced Cranberry Sour.

I’ve been enjoying some sour beer styles of late, so I chose the Home for the Holidays Spiced Cranberry Sour. The attractive red beer has a refreshing tart fruit flavor with a hint of spice. The low 4.2% ABV was welcome as I emptied my glass quite quickly.

Colleen started with Tirami’Zu Brew Barrel Aged Porter. I stole only a brief sip, not wanting to disturb my soured tastebuds, but I think I’ll check that one out at the brewery soon. It was full of creamy dark chocolate aroma and flavor.

We’ve enjoyed several visits to the nearby Strangeways Fredericksburg location, where they keep around 40 unique beers on tap, so having just four options from which to choose made for an easier than usual decision process. For our next round, to accompany our meal, we simply ordered “the other two.”

This time I sipped the Helles Frozen Lager and Colleen claimed the Überlin Berliner Weisse. The Helles had a nice crisp, grassy bitterness. A lighter bodied beer than I typically drink, it went well with my French Dip Steak and Havarti sandwich.

While we were enjoying our dinner I noticed that Capital Ale House owner Chris Holder and Neil Burton, the Strangeways Brewery owner, were also in attendance to help celebrate the new distribution status. I hadn’t seen either of them for some time so took the chance say hello and enjoy a quick chat about beer in Fredericksburg.

Besides two more glasses to add to our glassware collection, we obtained a bunch of Strangeways swag as well. We enjoyed a pleasant event talking, eating, and drinking. I’m can now look forward to seeing even more Strangeways beer variety at my favorite local establishments.

[ This content originated at Musings Over a Pint ]


Harry’s Wing & Beer Dinner

Last Wednesday evening Harry’s Alehouse held a Wing & Beer Pairing. This was the first beer dinner event we’ve been able to get to at Harry’s and it sounded like one we’d very much enjoy; four chicken wing selections paired with four beers.We arriv…


Rappahannock Political Forum 09

Local bloggers are coming to the rescue of local politics again this year in the form of the Bloggers Forum 09. Yours truly is one of several panel members participating in this event to showcase those running for Stafford and Spotsylvania VA superrvisor positions. For more info, click the banner to the right of the […]


Local Bloggers Pass 4,000 Posts!

Today marks a milestone of sorts. Actually it’s more of a surprise. I was checking some stats and has logged more than 4000 posts from local Fredericksburg, VA area bloggers. Way to go team! As we grow together, I’m working on changes to the website to group blogs.  You’ll all still end up in […]


City Taxes Going UP-UP-UP

For those of you that vote in Fredericksburg VA, here’s who you can thank for higher real estate taxes. Councilwoman Greenlaw made the final motion to raise the rate to $0.705 of every $100. That’s almost 26% percent. It was seconded by Vice-Mayor Devine. Councilman Kelly put forward an alternative $.68 of every $100. It […]


A few blog changes

First, a new addition. is a photographic view of Fredericksburg, with a bit of history about those places appearing in the shots. Death of a blog, that’s what happens when things start getting out of hand when ‘friends’ take posts in a direction not intended.  Of course I’m talking about the Fred Vegas Chronicles.  Fredericksburg’s very […]


Kindle Mania! Fredericksburg Hits the Big Time

Now get the area’s hottest news delivered direct to your Amazon Kindle! tries to bring together a diverse set of blogging content, and it is now available in more formats than ever. Hopefully they will drop the price to make getting the local inside story more affordable.