Archive for February, 2008

Bob Marshall may be Unconventional, but He’s a Conservative!

By From • Feb 27th, 2008 • Category: Blog Entries.Local

Our little race in Virginia is catching some national news as in today’s Washintgon Times.Both sides can spin this article for positive gain. But both would have to agree that Bob Marshall has a more solid conservative voting record.{READ MORE}http://…

Air Travel

By From • Feb 27th, 2008 • Category: Blog Entries.Local

It seems that all of travel for either work or pleasure results in the use of commercial airlines.I have a love / hate relationship with air travel. The time saving convenience is wonderful. The hassle of airport security, delayed and canceled flights,…

The Next Mayor

By From • Feb 24th, 2008 • Category: Blog Entries.Local

Having now experienced first hand all aspects of politics—as a candidate, and now as an elected official—I have come to understand the difficulty in overcoming those traits necessary to win elective office that become obstacles to effective governa…


By From • Feb 23rd, 2008 • Category: Blog Entries.Local

Well, I am officially unemployed. But only for the weekend while I am between jobs.It’s an unsettling feeling.I have been in worse employment situations in the past; however I was much younger, single and without children. Now with family obligations, …

Season On The Brink

By From • Feb 23rd, 2008 • Category: Blog Entries.Local

It is with much amusement that I sit back and watch the Indiana University men’s basketball program implode around the NCAA infractions brought upon the program by “cellphone sanctions”…  oops! I mean Kelvin Sampson.What goes around comes around.Aft…

Anvil of Stars

By From • Feb 23rd, 2008 • Category: Blog Entries.Local

Anvil of Stars is the sequel to The Forge of God. In Anvil, a group of 80 teenagers have been plucked from the survivors of earth’s destruction and tasked with hunting down and eliminating the creators of the robots that destroyed earth. They are guide…

It’s Time to Talk Transportation

By From • Feb 17th, 2008 • Category: Blog Entries.Local

At the end of this month the Fredericksburg Area Metropolitian Planning Organization (FAMPO) will release the region’s 2035 Constrained Long Range Plan (CLRP). The CLRP is a list of transportation projects that can be constructed based on expected tran…


By From • Feb 17th, 2008 • Category: Blog Entries.Local

We have accomplished a lot over the past six years and still have the lowest tax rate of any city in Virginia at 53 cents. While the tax rate has fallen revenue to the city have increased in part to cover the cost of construction of schools, recreation…

Democrats Continue to Eat Their Own While Re-Writing Local History

By From • Feb 17th, 2008 • Category: Blog Entries.Local

I always enjoy reading what Democrats write when they attempt to use their brain. Especially noteworthy of insanity is how the uber-liberals of Fred2Blue can use the name Kandy Hilliard, Nancy Pelosi and Bill Clinton in a paragraph without laughing so …

News Coverage of Local Issues

By From • Feb 10th, 2008 • Category: Blog Entries.Local

Since becoming involved in local politics in the early 80’s there has been an on going discussion on how the local media covers, or doesn’t cover, local issues. Over time coverage of local issues seemed to have been relagated to 4th place behind nation…