Archive for September, 2010

Let’s Get Ready to Rumble……………….

By From • Sep 19th, 2010 • Category: Blog Entries.Local

I believe it was Thomas Paine who wrote– It is through debate and argument that the best solutions come forward. If he didn’t say it I’ll take the credit. To properly debate an issue involves more than just putting forward a position. You must both understand, and be able to address, the points made by those presenting the opposing view. To really make this concept work you also have to be willing to accept the premise that the opposing view may have some merit.

Unfortunately today we approach debate as an “either/or” proposition. We have also punted the Tom Paine approach of finding the best solutions through debate and adopted the Elbert Hubbard approach, “If you can’t answer a man’s arguments, all is not lost; you can still call him vile names.” But wait there’s worse. Now elected officials are trying to avoid debate all together.

It seems some elected officials have taken a lesson from one of the master of backroom politics, Lyndon Johnson, who said, “You’ve got to work things out in the cloakroom, and when you’ve got them worked out, you can debate a little before you vote.” The focus is getting a consensus, i.e., four votes on Council, on an issue. Once achieved anything that may threaten that consensus, i.e., public debate, is avoided. Instead of seeing public debate for what it is– testing the validity of a position, provide different perspectives and approaches to consider; it is seen as only unwanted criticism or politically motivated attacks which could threaten the established consensus.

A number of excuses are put forward to avoid public debate. The two most often heard are that no one shows up for public hearings and/or the same old–insert preferred derogatory description here (See Elbert Hubbard comment above)–people show up. Neither case abrogates an elected officials responsibility to make their position clear to the public and address any and all questions, or concerns expressed, regardless of who puts them forward.

People may not show up in great numbers to attend a public hearing. But if the public is not given an opportunity to voice their opinions before a vote the question will be asked- Why wasn’t the public given that opportunity? Or if given the opportunity to comment, and some of those questions come from the, “same old (see above) crowd”, or viewed as politically motivate, does that in itself invalidate the question or concerns expressed?

Another factor that plays into the decision to avoid debate is viewing it as a win or lose proposition. That during the debate “flaws” in a position may come to light or a question is asked for which there is no ready answer and someone is perceived as, “ill informed.” As painful as it sometimes is we all are prone to error and we can’t be expected to have all the answers. It’s called human nature and I’ve never understood why in the political arena we go out of our way to deny our inherent fallibility. One would think that dealing with the “flaws” or taking the time to answer the question before an action is taken will better ensure success.

Finally, for elected officials to be really prepared for debating an issue requires going beyond the information provided by staff. Too often staff presentation either reflect the “consensus” view or that of the staff. There are other solutions out there to be considered and should be brought forward for public discussion. It is up to the elected official to understand all the options and be prepared to debate the merits or faults in all of them.

Ultimately it is the elected official that cast the vote that impacts their community. They, not staff, are responsible for explaining that vote and giving the community every possible opportunity to voice their opinions, questions and concerns. There are no valid excuses to avoid this process.

There does come a point when the debate comes full circle and the same arguments or concerns begin to be repeated. There will never be complete agreement on any issue. All that anyone can expect is to have their questions answered and or their concerns addressed. Hopefully, after a thorough and inclusive debate everyone will have a better understanding of the issue and a solution that reflects that understanding will be the result. Elected officials should be expect to embrace debate–not avoid it.

Are our elected officials providing the proper forum for discussing the important issues of the day?

Let’s Get Ready to Rumble……………….

By From • Sep 19th, 2010 • Category: Blog Entries.Local

I believe it was Thomas Paine who wrote– It is through debate and argument that the best solutions come forward. If he didn’t say it I’ll take the credit. To properly debate an issue involves more than just putting forward a position. You must both un…

Low-Point Pineapple Muffins

By From • Sep 18th, 2010 • Category: Blog Entries.Local

You know a recipe turned out great when your kids love it! It’s not often you find low-point muffins that taste this good! That’s why I was so excited when I came across this easy recipe for pineapple muffins. I hope you enjoy these as much as we do.Lo…

Accident in Parking Lot Becomes Misdemeanor

By From • Sep 16th, 2010 • Category: Blog Entries.Local

The other day at Lowe’s I saw two cars hit each other. Both drivers were backing out of the parking spots. I didn’t see who started backing out first. The damage was extremely minor. One of the vehicles was a truck with a trailer hitch. It punched a small hole in the other (smaller) car’s […]

Accident in Parking Lot Becomes Misdemeanor

By From • Sep 16th, 2010 • Category: Blog Entries.Local

The other day at Lowe’s I saw two cars hit each other. Both drivers were backing out of the parking spots. I didn’t see who started backing out first. The damage was extremely minor. One of the vehicles was a truck with a trailer hitch. It punched a small hole in the other (smaller) car’s […]


By From • Sep 16th, 2010 • Category: Blog Entries.Local

From the Supreme Court of Virginia’s website: 091878 Blanton v. Commonwealth 09/16/2010 In an appeal arising from a prosecution for murder and felonious use of a firearm, defendant’s failure to make a timely motion for a cautionary instruction or mistrial concerning the prosecutor’s comment about the defense evidence failing to show that the defendant was […]

A Visit to DC Shorts

By From • Sep 15th, 2010 • Category: Blog Entries.Local

Now on its seventh run, the D.C. Shorts Film Festival is picking up speed and offering 97 films this year. Maybe that’s why The Bash was sold out. Hey, no one I know crashed that party. Total rumor. About half of the RIFF staff trekked downtown Washington to scope out this year’s entries and check on […]


By From • Sep 13th, 2010 • Category: Blog Entries.Local

Chief David Nye gave a police report.Since 8/1/10 there have been 24 calls for loud parties but only 3 houses had more than one call and those three had only two each, so there don’t appear to be any bad party houses yet.there have been at least 13 arr…


By From • Sep 13th, 2010 • Category: Blog Entries.Local

Just got back from the meeting where we heard the results of consultants work on the new master plan for the campus.Here are some items of interest- A fairly high percentage of the buildings on campus are in poor physical condition, base on their repai…

Low-Point Fruit Bars

By From • Sep 13th, 2010 • Category: Blog Entries.Local

The only problem with making a delicious low-point baked good, is that counting the points becomes “pointless” if you eat the entire pan. That’s just how good these Low-Point Fruit Bars are! These are wonderful with a cup of coffee! They’re also wonder…