Archive for December, 2011

Sierra Nevada Looking At Virginia. Still.

By From • Dec 31st, 2011 • Category: Blog Entries.Local

We’ve mentioned a number of times the ongoing search for an East Coast brewery site by Sierra Nevada Brewing Company. The considerations appear to be between a Virginia location and the Asheville, NC area. In November there was speculation that Virgini…

So this is how a blog dies…

By From • Dec 31st, 2011 • Category: Blog Entries.Local

So this is how a blog dies; not with thunderous applause, but with a whimper. (Apologies to Natalie Portman…) This is a graph of O’DonnellWeb traffic, going back to 2005 when I first started using Google Analytics.. The high water mark was March 2006 – with almost 10,000 visitors. It’s been 10-15% of that throughout […]

Would You Shop Here?

By From • Dec 31st, 2011 • Category: Blog Entries.Local

Imagine this sign hanging on the door of a business. Good guys would be safe here. Bad guys not so much. That’s just the way it should be.

Contrast the business owner that would post that sign, with the management of Circle K stores. A Florida st…

So this is how a blog dies…

By From • Dec 31st, 2011 • Category: Blog Entries.Local

So this is how a blog dies; not with thunderous applause, but with a whimper. (Apologies to Natalie Portman…)
This is a graph of O’DonnellWeb traffic, going back to 2005 when I first started using Google Analytics.. The high water mark was March 20…

Black Creek New Year’s Eve Eve

By From • Dec 30th, 2011 • Category: Blog Entries.Local

Black Creek Steel Shooters held a special “Pre-New Year Match” today. I saw advance pictures of some of the stages posted on Facebook and decided it would be a fun match. And indeed, the stages proved to be both interesting and challenging. Thanks to…

Low-Point Lemon Crusted Cod

By From • Dec 30th, 2011 • Category: Blog Entries.Local

We first tried this delicious cod entre when visiting my sister. With the great lemon mustard flavor and delicate crust, I couldn’t wait to come home and make it again for my own family. A few tweaks in the ingredients here and there and this cod meal …

Happy 16th Birthday to O’DonnellWeb

By From • Dec 30th, 2011 • Category: Blog Entries.Local

O’DonnellWeb will be 16 years old on 12/31/2011. It’s hard to believe I’ve been writing here for 16 years. It’s even harder to believe that anybody reads. The archives only go back to 2001. The earlier stuff is lost. I probably should be thankful for that. The story of how O’DonnellWeb came to be. (This […]

Flying Dog Kujo, Here Boy

By From • Dec 29th, 2011 • Category: Blog Entries.Local

This is another look at a beer we’ve reviewed previously, sort of. A few weeks ago I posted a press release from Flying Dog Brewery about their “new” seasonal beer, Kujo. The name is new, the beer was previously released simply as Coffee Stout. Got i…

Mud Shooting

By From • Dec 28th, 2011 • Category: Blog Entries.Local

As noted previously, our planned range outing earlier this week didn’t happen due to the crowds at the range. As I’m taking a “stay-cation” this week I was able to try again a few days later. This time when I pulled in, I again noticed cars at all the …

Christmas Shooty Gifts!

By From • Dec 28th, 2011 • Category: Blog Entries.Local

It was a good holiday for new shooting booty. I was excited to see a CED 7000 Shot Timer under the tree from my wonderful wife. This was one of those “nice to have” things I’ve had my eye on for some time, but never really felt the need to buy. …