Seven years ago today I walked into a restaurant that served alcohol, while carrying a concealed weapon — and nothing happened.
On July 1, 2010 a Virginia law went into effect allowing persons with concealed handgun permits to keep their guns on their body while dining in an establishment where alcohol was served, as long as they weren’t drinking. Prior to this date, guns were only permitted if they were carried openly. (The logic behind that still eludes me to this day.)
Despite the predictions of the gun grabbers and other anti-freedom activists, the past seven years have not brought mayhem and bloodshed. In fact, the first year there was a noted reduction in gun crimes in restaurants.
All in all, carrying while dining while other people enjoy a beer is a non-event. If anything it reduces the number of folks fiddling with their guns in their cars before they head in to eat.
The next step towards freedom is the removal of requiring permission from the State to exercise my rights.