Archives for the ‘Media.Local’ Category

Call For Entries: F2B’s Second Annual Turkey-of-the-Year Award

Author: From • Nov 27th, 2008
   Category: Blog Entries.Local, Media.Local, Spotsylvania, Stafford

Aw c’mon…you must have some good nominees for F2B Turkey-of-the-Year?  Please post your comments, today!

palin-turkey-pardonIt’s time again for Fred2Blue’s second-annual turkey-of-the-year award!  And we’re calling for entries!

What is your choice for the Turkey of the Year?

Is it a: Person? Thing? Event? Election-Year Issue? Media Outlet?  Please tell us why your turkey deserves the top prize.

turkeyEntries will be judged on a totally-subjective basis. Originality and spelling count. The winner will be shamelessly promoted on this blog. Post your responses NOW!

And please pass the Tofurky.

UPDATE: Our friends at MyLeftNutmeg in Connecticut may have a nominee


Free Lance-Star Endorses…..NO ONE for President

Author: From • Oct 26th, 2008
   Category: Blog Entries.Local, Media.Local

But you know what’s sad? This means they don’t feel as strongly about McCain or Obama as they did about Bush 4 years ago.

So they endorse a Democrat for Senate, a Republican for the House, and Jarack McBama for President.


Del Toro Comes Out Strong for Obama

Author: From • Oct 24th, 2008
   Category: Blog Entries.Local, Media.Local

The Free Lance-Star has endorsed Mark Warner for Senate and Rob Wittman for Congress. No surprises there. But today’s issue also features a very strong op-ed piece from Carlos Del Toro.

In addition to running for the House of Delegates last year in the 88th district, Del Toro was a leader in Hillary Clinton’s VA campaign and was a Clinton Delegate representing the 1st-CD to the Democratic National Convention in Denver.

Carlos Del Toro served his country for many years in the United States Navy, and veteran’s issues are what he’s concerned with today:

As a 26-year veteran of the United States Navy, I have had the opportunity to serve this country under the leadership of Democrats and Republicans alike. I served at the highest levels in both Democratic and Republican administrations. In the ruins of 9/11, I commanded the construction and operation of the Navy’s newest and most capable warship. I will be forever grateful that I had the opportunity to lead some of America’s bravest men and women, and the privilege to serve my country.

After eight years of the Bush administration, however, I have never seen our military so overstretched and poorly managed.

And it is a disgrace when America’s soldiers risk their lives for their country, and that country fails to provide them adequate medical care upon their return home. This includes treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder–one of the hallmark injuries of the Iraq war. It is a discredit to this nation that we let Walter Reed Hospital fall into disrepair and provided substandard medical care to those who have served our country.
Unfortunately, Sen. McCain has voted against increases for veterans’ health care. He even opposed bipartisan legislation to update the GI Bill because he thought it was “too generous.” In addition, he voted against providing automatic cost-of-living adjustments for members of our armed forces.

By contrast, as a state and U.S. senator, Barack Obama has fought consistently for our interests. He was an early sponsor of the very GI Bill McCain initially opposed. As president, Obama will fully fund the VA, and he’ll have a zero-tolerance policy for homelessness among our vets.


F2B to FLS Editorial Staff: Surprise Us!

Author: From • Oct 17th, 2008
   Category: Blog Entries.Local, Media.Local

A fortnightly rant, FL-S style (halftime show). With a h/t to Patty for Mr. Bug Eyes.

Chris’ post last week, recalled that today (October 17) marks 4 years since the FL-S published a completely ironic endorsement of George W. Bush for President.   

From the editorial:

He will, we judge, persevere in Iraq and in the larger conflict with neo-barbarism. The country’s economic foundation and, more crucially, its physical security are safer if he wins a second term, and we endorse his re-election.

Nice.  How’s that worked out?

So we here at F2B are left to wondering: what are the munificent minds on the second floor of that building on Amelia Street thinking?  Will they phone in the presidential endorsement this year like they did in 2000 and 2004, rubber-stamping John McCain (for a third term)? 

Or will the FL-S editorial staff do something really bold, maverick-like, and totally un-characteristic?

As a public service to Joe, and Flo’, and Paul, and Linda, we encourage the Star Chamber to cut and paste what follows into the lead editorial space they’ve reserved for Sunday’s paper.  Then, they should take the rest of the weekend off (the weather is supposed to be splendid).


The Free Lance-Star endorsement (we’d like to see)

WHEN CONSIDERING our own political endorsements of presidential candidates, we have since the 2000 contest of Bush v. Gore just rubber-stamped the guy with the “R” following (his) name.  To us, that “R” has been as good and comforting as the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval.  R’s shun the nanny state.  They talk tough on taxes and terrorism and oppose embryonic stem-cell research.  They consider those that disagree with them their mortal enemies.  We like that.  We do. 

Plus, that Kerry guy (was too French).

We really like John McCain.  He’s our kind of fella: a ballsy, tough-talking maverick that is 100% id (mercurial, driven by emotional impulse).  There’s no question we would cheer on a President McCain as he tossed verbal hand-grenades at the Democrat (sic.) Party leaders in Congress or stared down Hugo Chavez and Kim Jong-Il.  Good stuff.  Good stuff.

But this year’s October Surprise was one no American bargained for.  Millions of us have suffered the vapors as we slit open the envelopes containing our 3rd quarter 401k statements.  And frankly, we’re more than a bit worried about how a President McCain would address this economic calamity.  If things keep up and we’re no longer able to keep our credit lines open, we may have no other choice but to sell your Hometown Newspaper on (gasp) eBay.  Heavens to Betsy.

Sen. McCain has prompted even his most ardent supporters to remark that he has handled this crisis of national confidence in a most erratic manner.  Plus, Sen. McCain has misread the mood of the American public; in last Wednesday’s debate he claimed that people are angry, angry about losing their jobs and watching as their retirement nest-eggs evaporate. 

Actually, Senator, the American people are scared out of their wits.

Those Americans that have worked hard, paid their taxes, and never complained a lick about personal sacrifice are seeing their golden years turn bleak.  Many of our seniors are in dire straits; some may soon find themselves slinging hash or waiting tables at Denny’s, just to subsist.  

And frankly sir, with you at the helm of the U.S.S. Wall Street, we tremble at the thought that the markets will remain in a constant state of turmoil.  Erational exuburance has given way to ICEBERG…RIGHT AHEAD!

To our surprise Barack Obama has contrasted your red-hot maverick bravado with a very steady and calm manner.  It is Senator Obama that has been presidential.  And these tough, uncertain times require a steady hand at the ship of state.  Obama’s economic plan will create a new green economy where America will actually start manufacturing things again, and hiring people to work good paying jobs. 

We like boldness.  We admire it.  But we also want to retire someday, and help put our grandkids through college or start a business of their own (perhaps one that will make the automotive fuel-cells that will run our future cars and trucks).  Obama’s steadiness and economic vision are just what the doctor has ordered.  

And that is why the Free Lance-Star supports Barack Obama for President.



We look forward to being pleasantly surprised to see this draft or something like it in Sunday’s paper.

Heed the words of the great British philosopher and day-care specialist Mary Poppins who said: “A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down…”


An Oldie But a Goodie

Author: From • Oct 10th, 2008
   Category: Blog Entries.Local, Media.Local

Think of this before the Free Lance-Star’s inevitable endorsement of John McCain for President…

Next week, it’ll be four years ago they had this to say about George W. Bush:

He will, we judge, persevere in Iraq and in the larger conflict with neo-barbarism. The country’s economic foundation and, more crucially, its physical security are safer if he wins a second term, and we endorse his re-election.

Yep. Just like McCain says, “the foundations of our economy are strong.” They nailed it! Way to go FLS.


Bill Day Recieves Times Community Newspapers Endorsements

Author: From • Oct 3rd, 2008
   Category: Blog Entries.Local, Media.Local

These 6 regional papers cover Fairfax, Fauquier, Loudon, Prince William, Rappahannock, and Culpeper counties:

As a businessman, with over 40 years of experience and a Harvard MBA, Democrat Bill Day knows what it will take to get the economy and the country back on track and that’s why we give him our endorsement for Congress in Virginia’s 1st Congressional District.

His opponent, incumbent Republican Congressman Rob Wittman does not have such experience and has voted against increased benefits for our veterans, against children’s health insurance and has voted for drilling in ANWR.

Bill understands the problems of our health care system. Having survived cancer twice, he learned the hard way that health insurance can be very expensive and that good health insurance is becoming more out of reach for families all across Virginia.

He will work for single-payer healthcare coverage and will fight drug companies to lower the costs of prescription drugs. He’ll work for expansion of the GI bill and veterans’ health care initiatives (unlike Wittman), for in-home care programs for seniors, and he’ll work to make sure that every child has health insurance and is able to go to a doctor to receive good medical care.

Bill Day will also work to end tax breaks for Big Oil and invest in new, green energy sources, like wind and solar power. And he believes it is critical that we return our brave men and women home from Iraq quickly and safely.

Democrat Bill S. Day Jr., has a wealth of experience — as a Harvard MBA, a developer and, currently, a mental-health counselor – and it will make him a much more promising lawmaker in Congress.


On The Other Hand…

Author: From • Oct 2nd, 2008
   Category: Blog Entries.Local, Media.Local

From today’s Free Lance-Star

The GOP campaign has used a toxic brew of political correctness and media bashing to justify its sequestration of Sarah Palin.  Operatives not known for their sensitivity to sexism suddenly are the high apostles of the politics of gender.

“But the continued sheltering of Mrs. Palin itself constitutes a form of sexism.  It’s ironic that the first female VP nominee in GOP history, portrayed as a straight-talking, gun-shooting ‘barracuda,’ needs to be protected from the big, bad media.  Is Keith Olbermann more fearsome than an enraged moose?”


Same Old Same Old…

Author: From • Oct 1st, 2008
   Category: Blog Entries.Local, Media.Local

The Free Lance-Star flops again with an embarrassingly slanted analysis of the House vote on the financial rescue, blaming Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) for the Republican vote and low income home buyers for the sub-prime mortgage crisis.

The Democrats voted 140 to 95 (60%) in favor and the Republicans voted 133 to 65 (68%) against. The editor favors the rescue plan, but somehow concludes the failure of Republicans to support the plan is Pelosi’s fault. What a remarkable perspective.

Not a word about the failure of Republican leader John “Cry Me a River” Boehner (R-OH) to deliver his caucus. Not a word about Boehner’s petty whining in response to Pelosi’s spot-on condemnation of the administration. Barney Frank responded appropriately:

There’s a terrible crisis affecting the American economy. We have come together on a bill to alleviate the crisis. And because somebody hurt their feelings, they decide to punish the country. I mean, I would not have imputed that degree of pettiness and hypersensitivity.

[We] don’t believe they had the votes, and I believe they’re covering up the embarrassment of not having the votes. But think about this. Somebody hurt my feelings, so I will punish the country. That’s hardly plausible. And there are 12 Republican members who were ready to stand up for the economic interest of America, but not if anybody insulted them.

I’ll make an offer. Give me those 12 people’s names and I will go talk uncharacteristically nicely to them and tell them what wonderful people they are and maybe they’ll now think about the country.

The only failure of leadership on this vote was that of Boehner. Nothing of this magnitude will pass this close to an election without bi-partisan support. Pelosi was not about to gift-wrap this as a campaign issue for Republicans. They simply didn’t have the political courage to stand with Democrats.

Regarding low-income home-buyers, the FLS should consider that “the massive breakdown of underwriting and extension of risky products far down the income scale (without bothering to even check on income) was primarily a post-2003 phenomenon.”

High priced loans like “exploding ARMs” and other “pernicious kinds of loans” are the natural outgrowth of a lax enforcement environment. It was this administration that stepped aside and let Wall Street spawn ever more exotic instruments with anemic regulation.


Every Voter Should See This

Author: From • Sep 13th, 2008
   Category: Blog Entries.Local, Media.Local

I know it’s hard to keep up with the McCain campaign lies nowadays. But this one is one of the oldest: That Obama will raise your taxes. That’s true, he will….if you make more than $600k a year. The McCain campaign claims everyone making more than $42k a year will recieve a tax-hike under the Obama plan. The Washington Post* sets the record straight.

*The same “liberal” “left-wing” newspaper that endorsed Tom Davis, Frank Wolf, Bob Ehrlich, and Jeannemarie Devolites Davis in recent years (that’s just off the top of my head).

The Fat chance-Star: Only The News That Fits, They’ll Print

Author: From • Sep 13th, 2008
   Category: Blog Entries.Local, Media.Local, Stafford

A forthnightly rant, FL-S style.

Let’s say local Republicans stage an event and the featured guests are Lt. Gov. Bill Bolling, AG Bob McDonnellCongressman Rob Wittman, and Speaker of the House Wild Bill Howell.  Then let’s say a local committee chair calls the FL-S and its political reporter Emily Battle to see if they would be able to cover it.

Unless a bunch of frisky UMW co-eds had already contacted your hometown paper about a nude campus sit-in, to be held at the same date and time, it would be a metaphysical certitude that Emily Battle or another reporter accompanied by a photographer would be present.

Seems reasonable, right?

But join me as we enter the parallel universe.  Now, let’s say local Democrats stage an event and the featured guests are Congressman Bobby Scott, Virginia Sen. Creigh Deeds, Democratic House Caucus Chair Del. Brian Moran, AG candidate Steve Shannon, and Virginia Sen. Edd Houck.  Then let’s say a local committee chair calls the FL-S and its political reporter Emily Battle to see if they would be able to cover it.

Would Ms. Battle’s response assure FL-S coverage?

The answer to that question is:  FAT CHANCE.   The Committee Chair was told something akin to: nah, I don’t think so…

Here is what happened :  The Fredericksburg Democratic Committee chair, Amy LaMarca, called the FL-S to announce that three candidates for state-wide office in 2009 - two gubernatorial candidates and one attorney general candidate - would be in the ‘Burg to attend the Committee’s annual Jefferson-Jackson Dinner.   LaMarca assumed - given the Fredericksburg region’s growth and shifting political climate - that the paper would accept.

But alas, your hometown paper, this paragon of Fourth Estate excellence, passed on the opportunity.

“Nah sorry…weeeeeeeee, uh, we got a thing with the guy from the place, uhhhhhhhhh!” (Click.)

Like the sun rising in the East, I count on such contempt eminating from Amelia Street’s Combination Editorial Fun Factory and Bluster Machine.  Yet, I am saddened to say the news department is still filtering viable stories through Editorial’s Red State Filter. 

Local GOP?  Goooooooood.  Local Dems.  Bad.  Bad.  Evil. Very bad.  

Disappointing but not at all surprising.  During my two-year stint as chair of the Stafford Democratic Committee, stories about the Committee appeared maybe once or twice.  The only news story that appeared quoting me as chair had my name spelled wrong.  To the Committee the absence of news coverage was just part of the caculus, something to be worked-around.

I can assure you the current Stafford chair’s GOP counter-part doesn’t experience such a paucity of news coverage. 

F2B has been reporting on the FL-S’s utter contempt for balanced news reporting, hard work, and accuracy since our first post in November, 2007.  They still must think that convicted spy Jonathan Pollard ran for State Senate, last year.

There’s nothing resembling balance in the offices at 616 Amelia Street.  But, rest assured news junkies, you can count on the FL-S for saturation coverage of George W. Bush’s final visit to that suburban comedy club and tranny bar, before he leaves office…