Archives for the ‘Politics’ Category

Responsible Decision Making?

Author: From • Oct 22nd, 2013
   Category: Blog Entries.Local, Politics
The problems with the obamacare website could have been predicted by anyone looking into CGI Federal, the company behind the debacle. The parent company of CGI Federal was fired by the Canadian government for failing to meet its contractual agreements.

Given the historical failures of the developers, you'd think the web site would have been tested before launch. Ah, but it was. Just days before the October 1st launch, the site failed under the load of a few hundred users. Despite numerous warning signs of eminent failure, the public launch went forward, with the expected results. The companies incompetence was more evident after reports that the website contains copyrighted software code, used in violation of the licensing agreement.

The public's experience with the obamacare web site is so bad, the administration won't answer questions about successful sign ups. They did however trot out a successful enrollee for the press to fawn over; until it turned out that Chad Henderson didn't really sign up, he was just a shill from the Obama election campaign. Most recenty, HHS Secretary Sebelius tried to claim the White House didn't know about issues with the site "until days into" the launch, despite widespread reporting and complaints.

Are these really the people you want making decisions regarding your healthcare?

It hardly seems responsible for this administration to award such a critical project with no public notice and no competitive bidding. Some explanation of the sweetheart deal for CGI Federal might be in the early access to the White House and president Obama granted to company executives. But there might be another explanation for the Obama administration's fondness for the Canadian company. It turns out the same company was also behind the failed Canadian gun registry program. Is the administration hoping to leverage that project as well?

Leaning to the Left

Author: From • Aug 14th, 2013
   Category: Blog Entries.Local, Politics
I stopped by the range after work for a quick 150 round workout*. When I looked at the grouping on my target I thought, "Well, that's the only part of my life where I lean to the left!"

* Hands at sides, from beep. 2 or 4 hits on target. 7, 15, and 25 yards.

Misdirection and Distraction From Senator Kaine

Author: From • Feb 17th, 2013
   Category: Blog Entries.Local, Politics
I received this canned, and unsurprising, response from Virginia Senator Tim Kaine regarding my mail to him regarding the current push for gun citizen control. I've posted the letter in its entirety below, with some comments inline.
Dear Mr. -----: 
Thank you for contacting me to share your views on proposals to reduce gun violence. I appreciate hearing from you.  
No one can deny that gun violence is a serious problem in this country today. We owe it to the victims of the growing number of mass shootings to vigorously debate specific and comprehensive proposals that can keep our communities safer.  The right approach focuses on many issues - improvements to the mental health system, better security protocols and common sense rules about gun use, including keeping firearms out of the hands of dangerous individuals.
What exactly is "gun violence?" If the Senator's doublespeak is referring to the need to reduce violence committed by people using guns, I have to ask, why are we not equally concerned with violence committed by hammers and fists, which account for more deaths each year than guns? Obviously, no one thinks hammers should be subject to government regulation, this reference to "gun violence" is meant to use emotion to distract from the real agenda. Senator Kaine then tosses out a comment about "the growing number of mass shootings" without any support to support his claim. In fact, mass shootings are NOT increasing. Even the leftist mouthpiece ABC News had to grudgingly admit to that. Kaine also uses the buzz words "common sense," implying a less-than-favorable judgement on those who might disagree with his as yet unnamed proposals
When I was on the Richmond City Council in the 1990s, our city was mired in an epidemic of gun violence that included the city having the second-highest homicide rate in the United States.  The most successful step we took was implementing Project Exile, a program that involved federal prosecution and tougher penalties for gun crimes that were previously treated more leniently in state courts. Celebrated by diverse groups engaged in the gun violence debate - including the National Rifle Association and the Brady Campaign - the program helped drive down Richmond's homicide rate by nearly 60 percent within a few years.
The Senator rightfully lauds his efforts to reduce the homicide rate by enforcing existing law. This is a notable accomplishment for sure, but let's re-emphase what his efforts brought about; increased enforcement of existing laws.
In 2007, the tragic shooting at Virginia Tech revealed glaring weaknesses in campus security protocols at colleges and universities, in our mental health system and the gun background check system for gun purchases. In a bipartisan spirit, I worked with then-Attorney General Bob McDonnell to immediately improve our background check system and issued an executive order ensuring that those adjudicated to be mentally ill and dangerous would be entered into a national database and barred from purchasing weapons. We also changed standards for mental health treatment and increased funding for community health programs while dramatically improving campus security and efforts to assist college students suffering from mental stress.
Once again, the Senator is pointing out improvements where made in existing programs, with a positive effect. But he's really just setting the reader up for a "bait and switch."
In January I attended a round-table event in Richmond with Vice President Biden on gun violence, to talk about the lessons learned in Virginia and the need for a comprehensive approach to these problems.  As your U.S. Senator, I will work to bring that kind of comprehensive approach that will strengthen the safety of our communities, while protecting our Second Amendment rights. As a gun owner who worked with others to constitutionally guarantee Virginians the right to hunt, I know that you can be a strong supporter of the Second Amendment without tolerating the gun tragedies that are too often a part of our daily lives.
I was wondering how long it would be before the Senator got in his "I support the 2nd Amendment, but..." line. I've not yet heard from a politician who wanted to restrict the Constitution who didn't preface his attack with a claim of support for the very thing he was attacking. He attempts to distract with the red herring of a constitutional right to hunt. In fact, there exists no such constitutional right. One would expect our Representatives to have a better knowledge of the Constitution they swore to uphold.
Concerning specific proposals, I am a strong supporter of universal background record checks.  This is the only way we can enforce existing laws that prohibit dangerous individuals from purchasing guns.  I am open to supporting legislation placing reasonable limits on high capacity magazines, combat-style weapons and gun trafficking if they are carefully drafted. 
The misdirection of referring to past accomplishments complete, Senator Kaine finally gets around to hinting at his current agenda. The Senator throws out the liberal sound bite "reasonable limits in high capacity magazines." The gun grabbers love to toss around the term "reasonable" without defining it. Thirty rounds is too many they say. So 29 is okay? Some suggest no one needs more than 10 rounds. So 9 rounds in a gun is safe, but adding one more makes the carrier dangerous? The "reasonable" restriction appellation, as well as "combat-style" weapons, are nothing more than attempts to distract an uninformed voting population with meaningless terms. The Senator also attempts to draw attention from the real issue by calling for restrictions on "gun trafficking," an obvious attempt to mislabel the transfer of legally owned weapons between private parties.

After reminding us of the good that was accomplished by enforcing existing laws and improving existing systems, all of which were implemented to keep criminals from committing more crimes, Senator Kaine cunningly segues into expressing his support for creating new laws to restrict the rights of law-abiding citizens. His agenda is a reimplementation of laws that were done away with because they were proven to be have no effect in reducing violent crime. In fact, not a single item the Senator says he is "open to" will have any effect on a criminal's actions. What Senator Kaine actually wants to do is impose further State controls on the law-abiding citizens of this Country. Coincidently, his restrictions specifically target a portion of the population that is, in general, opposed to his liberal policies, and not the criminal population. Convenient isn't it?
Please be assured that I will keep your views in mind as Congress continues to debate strategies to reduce gun violence.  Thank you once again for contacting me. 
Tim Kaine
I have little doubt that the Senator will keep my "views in mind" as he works to increase limitations on the Constitutional rights of American citizens. However, I am not naive enough to believe he will take them into account or change his agenda. Of course, Senator Kaine's response is not surprising at all. He is after all, an unabashed cheerleader for the president as well as the former Democratic National Committee chairman.

See also the similar dangerous response from Virginia Senator Warner. Compare the leftists' responses to that of Congressman Robert Wittman.

How Many Is 55 Million?

Author: From • Jan 26th, 2013
   Category: Blog Entries.Local, Politics
Forty years. Fifty-five million. Just numbers?

On Friday we braved the cold and snow, to join 500,000 other Pro-Life supporters in the annual March for Life in Washington, DC. This is the eleventh year our family has done this. In the 40 years since  Roe v. Wade, 55 million Americans have been killed in their mother's womb. A huge number of those babies were killed, for profit, by tax-payer supported Planned Parenthood. This is genocide that is championed, and even cheered, by our current president. Think about it for just a second — 55 million Americans.

Why did we go to DC? Do we think that the president is going throw open the window in the White House and say, "What was I thinking?" Of course not. Will legalized abortions be overturned any time soon? Doubtful. The March for Life is a movement to change hearts. It is wake up call that civilized people don't sacrifice children on the altar of convenience. And it's happening. The huge percentage, even possibly a majority, of the participants in the march are young people. As one speaker noted, the young are not the future of the Pro-Life movement, they are the Pro-Life movement.

Just as young people today realize the importance of the 2nd Amendment to preserve life and liberty, they are also refreshingly Pro-Life. The old guard which supports the oppression of both liberty and life is fading into the past.

55 Million.

Watching You Watching Me

Author: From • Jan 15th, 2013
   Category: Blog Entries.Local, Politics
I grabbed the log entries below this morning. At least four different computers, with four different IP addresses, from the United States Senate network were used to view my rebuttal to Senator Warner. It appears someone in DC is taking notice.

Click to embiggen
Should I be keeping an eye to the sky?

Congressman Wittman Gets It

Author: From • Jan 15th, 2013
   Category: Blog Entries.Local, Politics
In contrast to the pathetically weak and anti-Constitution message I received from Senator Warner, the response from my Representative in the House was much more encouraging. Obviously, Congressman Wittman remembers the oath he swore. I'm reprinting his entire response here.
Dear Mr. ------: 
Thank you for contacting me in regards to your support for the Second Amendment and gun rights. I appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts with me. I value your views on the important issues facing our Commonwealth and the Nation. 
As a gun owner and strong supporter of Second Amendment rights, I believe that the constitutional right to keep and bear arms must be diligently protected. Additionally, I do not support a national gun registry. Such a registry would only put an unnecessary mandate on law-abiding citizens. Gun registration and owner licensing do not help police solve crime as criminals do not register their guns or get licenses. 
Moreover, I believe the right to keep and bear arms is an individually possessed right, as are all rights protected in our Constitution. The Founding Fathers, the Framers of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights could not have been clearer about the nature of the right and the purpose of the Second Amendment. The U.S. Supreme Court has recognized it as an individual right in several landmark cases. 
Rest assured that I am committed to preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes. I will continue to defend this sacred right guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution as a member of the House of Representatives in the 112th Congress. 
Thank you again for sharing your views and opinions with me. I am committed to serving you to the best of my abilities. If I can ever be of assistance to you or your family, please do not hesitate to call me at (202) 225-4261 or contact me online at:

Robert Wittman
Member of Congress

BTW, it's important that we contact our representatives frequently, and keep these issues at the forefront. Ruger has provided a way of contacting many of them in one fell swoop; President, Vice-President, your Senators, Representative, Governor, Lieutenant Governor, State-Level Elected Officials and State Attorney General. Of course, you need to also contact them individually and directly, but I strongly encourage you to take advantage of this handy tool.

Troubling Response From Senator Warner

Author: From • Jan 14th, 2013
   Category: Blog Entries.Local, Politics
Like most Americans who still believe in the value of the Constitution, I have been writing my representatives about the current push towards gutting the 2nd Amendment. I received a form letter response from Virginia Senator Warner. It's the same letter he's sending everybody, it's pretty generic, and true to the Senator's form, non-committal. I am pleased that he did not use those leftist terms of misdirection; "assault weapon ban" or "high capacity magazine." His reply does however contain a very troubling line. As politicians frequently do, he prefaces it with a claim of being pro-2A.
"I am a strong supporter of the Second Amendment constitutional right of law-abiding citizens to keep and bear arms. I own firearms and I have an "A" rating from the National Rifle Association. However, I also recognize that, like with many of our constitutional rights, our Second Amendment rights are not without limits.  It is unfortunate that a tragedy of this magnitude is what is needed to prompt action, but we need to have a serious discussion on how to best avoid these kinds of mass shootings in the future. The status quo is not acceptable."
Hold on just a minute Senator, perhaps you could elaborate on the "many" rights that you feel "are not without limits." We already know Senator Warner supports limits on the 1st Amendment as it pertains to the freedom of religion. Does this "serious discussion" he proposes include limits to other parts of the Bill of Rights as well? Maybe we could place limits of the 4th Amendment in order to make sure the government finds all those guns folks have hidden in their homes? Does he also support limits on the 5th and 6th Amendments to speed up the prosecution of those unwilling to obey unconstitutional gun ban laws? Perhaps limiting the application of the 8th Amendment might make it easier to set up camps in which to house those pesky patriots?

Even when a politician tries to camouflage his agenda, his words often belie his true feelings. Senator Warner has shown he has forgotten, or perhaps never believed, the oath he swore to uphold the Constitution.
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God."
Nowhere does the oath say "support and defend the Constitution with limits."

Update, January 15: Contrast this with Congresman Wittman's response here.

Obama: He won’t take your guns.

Author: From • Jan 6th, 2013
   Category: Blog Entries.Local, Politics
Some people will say anything.
Some people will believe anything.
Together, they make a dangerous combination that will destroy our Nation.

By the way, The American Hunters and Shooters Association is a front organization for gun control advocates, presenting themselves to a gullible public as gun rights supporters.

Bill Whittle – This Needs To Be Heard

Author: From • Nov 24th, 2012
   Category: Blog Entries.Local, Politics
Watch the whole thing.

We need to hear more like this from our current, and future, leaders.

It’s Not Just “The Economy”

Author: From • Nov 8th, 2012
   Category: Blog Entries.Local, Politics
Exit polls indicated that 60 percent of voters say that the economy was the top issue in this presidential election. Sadly that is a very near-sighted and selfish view of the issues. I suspect that by "economy," what they really mean is they want the government to give them more free stuff. Their only concern is how much the government will provide with little effort on their own part. You don't have to look long to find the leeches jumping for joy over "obama phones" or free gas for their cars, or demanding that someone else to give them free contraceptives so they can sleep around and take no responsibility for their actions.

But the real issues that face Americans are those of basic freedoms, the ones granted by our Creator, and reaffirmed by our Constitution. This administration has led efforts to restrict, or even remove, the rights of a free people, including the two most basic rights granted by natural law, the freedom of religion and the right of self defense. The president has stated many times his desire to negate the 2nd Amendment. His supporters deny he has such plans, despite his own words to the contrary. Even before the votes were fully tallied, his comrades were making their plans on multiple fronts. Evidence to the contrary notwithstanding, power-hungry politicians continue to sell a lie that criminals will obey gun laws. They are supported in their motives by the short-sighted, sheepish, ignorant masses.

It's no coincidence that throughout history, those rulers who have disarmed their unwilling subjects typically also worked hard to remove religion from the lives of the people they oppressed. This president's hatred of the Catholic Church and the morals she teaches is well-known. The rights enumerated in the First Amendment, freedom of religion and freedom of speech, are deeply feared and despised by those plotting evil, and must be limited if corrupt powers are to maintain control.

This administration has fought to limit or remove the rights of the honest citizens of this county in order to advance its own selfish power hungry motives, and to reward those who assist in the corruption of the land. At no time in history has the restrictive government as espoused by Obama and comrades ever benefited a population in the long term. This fact was willfully ignored by voters this week in order to selfishly support their own short term "economy." As repeated so many times in the past, a citizenry marches towards slavery and oppression in a naive search for a "greater good."

This quote, found here, sums up quite succinctly the unrestrained attack on freedom that we can expect thanks to the actions of a people who refuse to look beyond their own immediate and selfish desires,
If you are a Christian, an observant Jew, a "conservative," a libertarian, a firearm owner, a veteran, a businessman -- you are all now officially a despised -- if not yet hunted -- minority in your own country. The lawbreakers, Eric Holder, Janet Napolitano, et. al., now define what is "legal" and can no longer be restrained by politics.

The "winners" now gloat over the loss suffered by those of us who opposed them in the campaign. However, what has been lost goes well beyond mere votes in an election. The loss of freedom to come will affect us all. Those now celebrating do not yet realize what they have wrought, that they too have lost. Not yet.

Photo H/T to Pissed.