Archives for the ‘Politics’ Category

Vital Message From Rabbi Dovid Bendory

Author: From • May 18th, 2012
   Category: Blog Entries.Local, Politics
You need to watch this. It's important to all Americans, not just our Jewish compatriots.

See more at "A vital message from JPFO's Rabbi Dovid Bendory", IF you believe in personal freedom.

Budgets and Bombs

Author: From • May 9th, 2012
   Category: Blog Entries.Local, Politics
Airline bomb threat headlines always get my attention, but I wasn't prepared for what I read on my Google News page.

That's just wrong.

WaPo Photo Caption Contest

Author: From • Mar 6th, 2012
   Category: Blog Entries.Local, Politics
This should be very interesting.

The Washington Post is holding a photo caption contest. As you can see, it involves beer and President, um, O'bama. Head over the the Washington Post page to see the entries so far, or enter your own.

Photo Credit: Charles Dharapak - AP
H/T to Beer in Baltimore.

The Varieties of Gun Control Advocates

Author: From • Feb 22nd, 2012
   Category: Blog Entries.Local, Politics
I recently mused about the trustworthiness of a person who objects to the right of self-defense or who advocates "gun control." Over at JFPO, there's an article which looks at the mindset, and motivations of the propagandists who work against our rights.
The right of decent private citizens to personally possess, transport, and responsibly use arms without government interference is the ultimate freedom and the main pillar supporting all other liberties. Few cultures have allowed their general population access to weapons, the tools of power, to the same degree as the United States. Instead, most societies have restricted the keeping and bearing of arms to a select few power brokers and their agents, often resulting in oppression on a grand scale
Despite a massive amount of historical evidence to the contrary, there is a substantial body of Americans, many occupying positions of influence, who contend that the abrogation of the Second Amendment is the quickest path to domestic tranquility. Since this is as absurd as advocating blood-letting as a cure for anemia, it would seem advisable to question the motives and mentalities of the gun control advocates themselves.
The author goes on to list seven categories these oppressors fall into.
  1. Elitists
  2. Authoritarians
  3. Criminals
  4. The Fearful
  5. Ideological Chameleons
  6. Security Monopolists
  7. The Dysfunctionally Unworldly
I found the divisions, and the accompanying descriptions, to be frightenly accurate. Go read the article. It makes for a good defense to know the enemy.

Here: The Seven Varieties of Gun Control Advocate

The Lines Are Drawn

Author: From • Feb 9th, 2012
   Category: Blog Entries.Local, Politics
There's a battle over religious freedom brewing in the United States. Currently the aggressors are focusing on the Catholic faithful. However, people of all faiths should be concerned. While the opening volley happens to focus on the Catholic church, this is ultimately an attack on all Americans and on the freedoms we treasure. Russell Shaw opined last year that religious persecution in the United States "will be a tight-lipped campaign of secularist inspiration in which the coercive power of the state is brought to bear on church-related institutions to act against conscience or go out of business."

The declaration by President Barack Hussein Obama ordering the Catholic Church to violate its fundamental beliefs was only the first wave of an assault that shows no sign of letting up. The president's declaration was met, thankfully, by indignation by the Church in the U.S. Over most of the country last weekend, Catholics heard statements from their Bishops, read during Mass, condemning this attack. Here in the Arlington Diocese, we heard a statement from Bishop Loverde.

Archbishop Timothy Broglio of the Archdiocese of Military Services also issued a statement to be read by chaplains in the U.S. Armed Forces. In an unmitigated attack on religious freedom, the Army’s Office of the Chief of Chaplains told Catholic chaplains they could not read the statement. Think about that for a moment — a branch of the United States military ordering the silencing of the Catholic chaplains. Not only is the Obama administration telling the Church it must implement polices that violate the First Amendment and that are directly contrary to teachings of the faith, the administration is now invading the sanctuary by trying to control what is preached from the pulpit. If a politician opens a meeting with a prayer, the left, and the ACLU, get their knickers all in a twist. Yet when the federal government tries to control what a Priest says from the pulpit the silence is deafening.

The freedom of religion in the U.S. was once sacrosanct. No more. This administration, aided by the leftist media, has drawn a line in the sand and is daring the faithful to cross it.

This is not the first time the Church has faced a state-sponsored war. If this battle is to be won, it's time for the 25% of Americans who claim to be Catholic to stand up and be Catholic. Stop supporting heretical "catholics" like Biden, Pelosi and Sebelius. Learn what the Catholic Church really teaches and speak out. We must not stand idly by while the Church is attacked, and ultimately freedom is destroyed. Remember the words of Pope Pius XI"Let us thank God that he makes us live among the present problems; it is no longer permitted to anyone to be mediocre."

Obama’s War On Catholics

Author: From • Feb 1st, 2012
   Category: Blog Entries.Local, Politics
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Pretty damn clear isn't it? Apparently not to President Barack Hussein Obama. Not to the heretical Kathleen Sebelius. Not to the C & E "catholics" who voted for Obama with full knowledge that he intended to attack the Catholic Church.

If you only get your news from the MSNBC and CNN, you're probably ignorant of the war Obama is waging against Catholics in the United States. Abortion, contraception, and sterilization are anathema to faithful Catholics. Now, Obama has issued a mandate, ignoring the Constitution, that faith-based institutions must provide birth control and reproductive services in health insurance plans. And if that wasn't enough, not only do they have to provide it in their health plans, they have to wave any co-pay and provide it free of charge.

Obama "graciously" informed the Church it has one year to find a way to violate it's moral standards. Conveniently that's after the next Presidential election. He's hoping real Catholics forget. It's not going to happen. The Church has fought worse enemies in the past 2,000 years, and prevailed.

And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. -- Matthew 18:16

The Catholic Church is the largest provider of health care services in the United States. Despite that, Obama made no secret before the presidential 2008 election that he would attempt to break the back of the Church and remove the freedom of religion for Catholics. Faithful Catholics were mocked and laughed at when we spoke out in warning. Sadly, schismatics who call themselves Catholics, voted for Obama in droves. They actually showed support for a man who considers pregnancy to be punishment for "a mistake." They may regret it now, but there is no denying their complicity in enabling Obama's assault on religion. Those voters share moral responsibility for this outrageous attack on our freedom of religion.

We would do well to remember Hitler and the Jews in Germany. We must remember the Mexican government's murderous attacks on Catholics in the 1920's. History does indeed repeat itself. This is not just a Catholic issue. This is an issue for people of all faiths. Obama's move is an act of government intimidation of religious institutions. It's an issue for all freedom-loving Americans. This administration has made it clear that they will rule by decree and slowly chip away at the freedoms of the people in the U.S. in the name of "progress." Will you stand idly by or will you speak up?

I will not violate my faith to support the treasonous edicts of an immoral president.

Who Would You Trust?

Author: From • Jan 14th, 2012
   Category: Blog Entries.Local, Politics
If you've been following the news recently, you know there's been a spate of traveler arrests in New Bloomberg, er, New York, for gun possession. Before I go further let me state categorically that gun owners have a responsibility to know the law. Just as when gun owners fail to act responsibly in safe handling of their weapons, I find it hard to feel sympathy for those who make themselves victims. However, that doesn't change my view of anti-gun laws and those who support them.

I've already mused over the natural right to self-defense. A gun happens to be part of the tool set. Why do so many people and states try to restrict our right to be armed? In my opinion it's a matter of trust. Not the prohibitionists' trust of me, but my ability to trust them.

Take the misnamed Mayors Against Illegal Guns, headed up by the aforementioned Mayor Bloomberg. These politicians do not want citizens to be armed. Why? Could it have anything to do with the fact that so many of the group's members are convicted criminals? Criminals inherently, and rightfully, fear armed victims. Gun control laws are not about guns; gun control laws are about power and control over people. In the United States, gun control laws have their roots in racism. Today, we see that the self-proclaimed "enforcers" still are lacking moral or legal ethics. When Meredith Graves was arrested, the Mayor chose to falsely claim that she was in possession of cocaine in order to destract from the ridiculous gun arrest. In the now dropped case against Mark Meckler, officials refuse to return his firearm, despite having no legal right to keep it. The state in this case is committing a criminal act in the name of control.

The anti-freedom folks try to make gun owners out to be dangerous and untrusted. Deep down that reaction is not a reflection on the gun owner, it's a reflection of the person's own mistrust of themselves to behave civilly under stress. Their own bigotry causes them to link criminals using guns with law-abiding citizens. And it's not just with guns that the false association occurs. In Illinois a disturbed person attacked people with drain cleaner. Suddenly anyone who needs drain cleaner to fix a plumbing problem needs to show a photo ID and they will have their personal information logged by the state. It's not a coincidence that Illinois is also the only state in the U.S. that refuses to trust law-abiding citizens with guns for self-defense.

If someone doesn't support my right to be armed, I know that I must be wary of their true motives. While it's not an infallible character clue, it does warrant suspicion. After all, what does an honest person have to fear from a law-abiding armed citizen? Absolutely nothing. In my view it is perfectly legitimate to judge a person's integrity by their view on the 2nd Amendment.

It's a matter of trust.

Words To Live By

Author: From • Jan 4th, 2012
   Category: Blog Entries.Local, Politics
Humans have a God-given right, actually it's a command, to protect themselves and those in their care. In fact this responsibility has been described as a "grave duty." Contrary to popular thought, the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution is not the grantor of this right, the Amendment exists as an affirmation of what man naturally possesses. For those of us fortunate enough to live in Virginia, we also have the Virginia Constitution as yet another written reminder. Specifically we can turn to Section 13. Militia; standing armies; military subordinate to civil power:
That a well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the proper, natural, and safe defense of a free state, therefore, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed; that standing armies, in time of peace, should be avoided as dangerous to liberty; and that in all cases the military should be under strict subordination to, and governed by, the civil power.

There you have it. God, the U.S. Constitution, and the Virginia Constitution all standing united to reiterate the right to be armed for self defense. That's a pretty strong triad giving us words to live by. Literally, words to live by.

Giving Obama Credit Where Due

Author: From • Dec 19th, 2011
   Category: Blog Entries.Local, Politics
Bravo Sir. Jimmy Carter is no longer the worse president ever.

Here's a clue Mr. President, if you can't lead America, don't blame us. Blame yourself.

Better Debate Questions

Author: From • Dec 16th, 2011
   Category: Blog Entries.Local, Politics
With all the partisan rancor proceeding any election, perhaps we need to look the candidates' views on issues that are more germane to everyday life. In an interesting coincidence, this week I came across two articles, both mentioning Republican presidential hopeful, Rick Santorum, and his views on two subjects we muse over frequently.

First, on beer:
"It's the stouts, the bocks and then the white ales and the wheats,” said Santorum during a stop at the Millstream Brewery in Iowa on Sunday. He also said that he’s a fan of Guinness and will “drink a light beer if it’s really hot."

Not the former senator’s cup of tea: IPAs, which he called “a little too bitter."

 Second, on guns:
Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum has seven guns, spokesman Matt Beynon told The Daily Caller. His favorite, the aide said, is a Kimber 1911 pistol.

I happen to enjoy IPAs, and I'm a SIG SAUER fan, so I differ with the candidate on those specifics. But wouldn't the debates be a lot more stimulating if the topics were bit more compelling?