Archives for the ‘Politics’ Category


Author: From • Nov 13th, 2009
   Category: Blog Entries.Local, Photography.Local, Politics

This picture is pretty dated considering Creigh Deeds lost his bid for governor of Virginia a couple weeks ago but I wanted to put it up here anyway. He was shaking hands at a high school football game and I like how he is isolated amid this group of people. He seemed a bit ill-at-ease with the public and he spent more time chatting up local pols and the political reporter than meeting and greeting. I didn’t have a chance to photograph his opponent, Bob McDonnell, as I had the good sense to take vacation over election day. On a national scale, people made a big deal about the GOP winning in Virginia. Personally, I think it had to do with the quality of candidates more than a referendum on the president and his policies.


The other night Rep. Rob Wittman came through town to hold a meeting at a VFW post to discuss veterans’ issues. The upside was that nobody unlocked the post so he held it on the steps. Challenging light, but definitely better than fluorescent tubes and a podium! As expected people spent a lot of time griping about, taxes, healthcare and the evil, left-wing media. And by evil, left-wing media, I mean my employer and by extension, me.  It was a little scary when one guy started asking Wittman if he was going to hold congressional hearings investigating the infiltration in government of ‘avowed Marxists and Communists.’ What was scarier was that others agreed with him and nobody, including the congressman, tried to talk any kind of sense to the man. Every time I meet these people, the idea of becoming an ex-pat photog in some steamy tropical land is more and more appealing! It’s like the conversation is poisoned by an irrational anger that makes people unable to speak reasonably and respectfully to one another. As if the world was black & white and not shades of the Zone System!  For the record, I’m all about zone V!


Susan Stimpson for Falmouth Supervisor

Author: From • Sep 2nd, 2009
   Category: Blog Entries.Local, Politics

Rappahannock Red supports Susan Stimpson for Falmouth Supervisor


Good luck to Eric Martin and the other contributors to Rappahannock Republic who find it difficult to be honest, loyal and act with dignity

Posted in politics

What year was it when you first recall AMERICA LOSING ITS MANHOOD?

Author: From • Aug 23rd, 2009
   Category: Blog Entries.Local, Politics

h/t my man Jeff R.707


The Age of the 707

That smoke is from the 1,700 pounds of water injection the J 57s used for take off. (Note where the airplane is.  Manly pilots lifted just to the overrun stripes and sucked the gear out from under them within feet of the ground … Talk about trusting your mechanics and confidence!)

Those were the good ole days. Pilots back then were men that didn’t want to be women or girly-men. Pilots all knew who Jimmy Doolittle was. Pilots drank coffee, whiskey, smoked cigars and didn’t wear digital watches.
They carried their own suitcases that didn’t have wheels, and their brain bags like the real men that they were. Pilots didn’t bend over into the crash position multiple times each day in front of the passengers at security so that some sub-contracted, foreign-born, barely literate Gov’t agent could probe your butt cheecks for tweezers or fingernail clippers or too much toothpaste.  ADIZ was the name of the stewardess you picked up deadheading from Mexico City to LaGuardia.

Pilots did not go through the terminal impersonating a caddy or an Avon lady by pulling a bunch of golf clubs, computers, guitars, and feed bags full of tofu and granola on a sissy-trailer with no hat and granny glasses hanging on a pink string around their pencil neck while talking to their personal trainer on the cell phone!

Being an airline captain was as good as being the King in a Mel Brooks movie. All the stewardesses (aka. flight attendants) were young, attractive, single women that were proud to be combatants in the “sexual revolution” against the miserable, chain smoking, divorcees turned lesbian who wish they looked half as good as that guy Rachael Maddow on CNN.  They didn’t have to turn sideways, grease up and suck it in to get through the cockpit door. They would blush and say thank you when told that they looked good, instead of filing a sexual harassment claim. Junior Stewardesses shared a room and talked about men … with no thoughts of substitution.

Passengers wore nice clothes and were polite; they could speak AND understand English. They didn’t speak California school system-sanctioned Ebonic-gibberish or listen to loud gangsta rap on their IPods with headphones larger than the earmuffs the guys wore on the tarmac! Back then, passenegers bathed and didn’t smell like a rotting pile of garbage in a velure jogging suit and leather flip-flops. Children didn’t travel alone, commuting between trailer parks. There were no Mongol hordes asking for a seatbelt extension or a Scotch and grapefruit juice cocktail with a twist.

If the Captain wanted to throw some offensive, ranting jerk off the airplane, it was done without any worries of a lawsuit or getting fired. He was the captain and that was the law. Don’t like it? “Take a Greyhound,” he’d tell you.

Axial flow engines crackled with the sound of freedom and left an impressive black smoke trail like a locomotive burning soft coal. Jet fuel was cheap, it came from Texas and once the throttles were pushed up they were left there, after all it was the jet age damnit and the idea was to go *fast*. “Economy cruise” was something in the performance book, but no one knew why or where it was. When the clacker went off no one got all tight and scared because Boeing built it out of iron— nothing was going to fall off and that sound had the same effect on real pilots then as Viagra does now for those new age guys with grey pony tails.

There was very little plastic and no composites on the airplanes—or the Stewardesses’ pectoral regions. Airplanes—and women—had eye pleasing symmetrical curves, not a bunch of ugly vortex generators, ventral fins, winglets, flow diverters, or tattoos, little rings in their nose, tongues and eyebrows.

Airlines were run by men like C.R. Smith and Juan Tripp who had built their companies virtually from scratch, knew most of their employees by name and were lifetime airline employees themselves … not pseudo financiers and bean counters who flit from one occupation to another for a few bucks, a better retirement parachute or a fancier title to impress their chums at the raquetball club, while fervently believing that they are a class of beings unto themselves.

And so it was back then … and never will be again.

          -Author unknown

—————————— Remember when you could say in public: Merry Christmas,  God bless you, and God bless America? May the Ten Commandments guide all your choices and our laws.  After all- they’re enscribed into the doors of the Supreme Court!  And yes, that’s Moses carved into the apex of the roofline of the building…  back when men were men and liberals were laughed at openly.

What year was it when you first recall AMERICA LOSING ITS MANHOOD?

Posted in federal, humor, immigration, laws, limousine liberals, money, Morality, National Security, Phonies and Walter's, policy, politics, real men, Terrorism, U.S. Constitution

Facebook POLL: “At what age is it acceptable to you to kill a really ugly baby?”

Author: From • Aug 20th, 2009
   Category: Blog Entries.Local, Politics is the short permalink to the Facebook POLL:

“At what age is it acceptable to you, regardless of legality where you live, to kill a really ugly baby?”

Please take the poll and pass it on.  Yes, you have to be on Facebook to participate, but who’s not?

Posted in Abortion, Barack Hussein Obama, Barack Obama, Bill Maher, Catholics, Creigh "Dirty" Deeds, Creigh Deeds, Ed Houck, Facebook, federal, Governor, Hillary Clinton, laws, limousine liberals, medicaid, medical, medicare, money, Morality, murder, policy, politics, pro-life, Religion, schools, Twitter, U.S. Constitution, U.S. House of Representatives, US Senate, Wasteful Spending

Obama’s Tactics to Round Up the Dissenters, not Unlike Stafford’s Own Who can Go Flag Themselves

Author: From • Aug 13th, 2009
   Category: Blog Entries.Local, Politics, Stafford

Obama wants you to turn on your friends and neighbors and report them to the White House especially if they send you an email talking about not liking the new socialized healthcare plan.  The White House would then have a complete list of every name and email account for anyone who dissents from the party line and could take action behind the scenes to make their opponents and friends of their opponents simply go away.  Not unlike maneuvering we’ve seen locally if you’re not a purified brownshirt of a Republican faction du jour.

Today, I’m sad for America, I’m sad for loss of our freedoms and I’m sad for our Republic. But I’ll never wear a brown shirt for any candidate who asks me to do things against my better judgement, no matter how many of my friends she calls a “coward” for not acting as a private henchman. Not all Republicans are drones. Some actually believe in democracy still.  If you don’t- go FLAG YOURSELF at least- for the Fatherland of course.

Posted in Barack Hussein Obama, Barack Obama, blog, Communism, Conspiracy, election, Fredericksburg Regional Republicans, Free Speech, laws, National Security, politics, Republicans, Socialism, stafford, The White House

POLL: Filler, Osborn or Stimpson for Falmouth?

Author: From • Aug 12th, 2009
   Category: Blog Entries.Local, Politics, Stafford

So we’ve got a conundrum … We’re a right of center blog—”clearly”, I know.

In the Falmouth District of Stafford County, VA, there’s a three-way race for supervisor this November 3.

Doug Filler is out for our endorsement not solely because he’s a Democrat, but because he’s George Schwartz’s hand picked successor to this throne of power, and because Filler ardently supports imposing the BPOL tax on businesses calling it “revenue” for his vision of a bigger stronger government. Republicans are simply for minimal government and more personal decisions and freedoms so he’s an easy nix for our endorsement.

Thus, we would typically endorse the Republican slate of candidates, but in this particular district race, there’s 2 that fit the bill:

Susan Stimpson, a newcomer to Stafford County, has earned her GOP credentials in spades having served on several winning campaigns’ staff and as the county GOP Chairman for the past 2 years. She makes no apologies about being labeled the Republican nominee and despite having no public service experience, knows how to campaign hard and has the support of most of the behind-the-scenes party faithful.  Whether that’s a positive or not depends on your perspective.

Mark Osborn, a lifelong Stafford resident and local employer has served as the supervisor already from 2002-2005 and had earned the full backing of the exact same GOP party faithful last time he ran for the seat under the Republican banner until he was narrowly defeated by 200+ votes by “It’s always some developer’s fault” George Schwartz. Osborn has always considered himself a Republican according to the core values and creed, and says he chose to not run under the label this time because he’s tired of the party bickering that is so prevelant on the current board and hopes that this gesture will prove that he’s willing to listen to all sides of an issue and make the best decision for the residents.

Both candidates oppose the BPOL tax and both consider themselves Republicans when it comes to decision making. In the true spirit of democracy, you the voter get to choose!

Who would you vote for if the election were held today? Would you choose experience and a record of service or a political party’s superwoman with a clean slate?

May the screeds against me for even asking the question begin now!

Posted in blog, BPOL Tax, George "Stalin" Schwartz, Mark Osborn, policy, politics, Republicans, stafford, supervisor, Susan Stimpson

Part 2 ObamaCare HR3200 Healthcare Bill: pages 500+ Explained–Very Real and Scary for U.S. Sovereignty

Author: From • Aug 2nd, 2009
   Category: Blog Entries.Local, Politics

This is the second of two posts which takes a look at the ObamaCare “Healthcare” Bill that Nancy Pelosi, Waxman, and Obama are trying to ramrod down America’s throat. Regardless of your party today, if this is passed as written, we can kiss our country goodbye tomorrow. This isn’t about healthcare at all, it’s all about total control of your private lives!

Don’t believe me?  Think it’s being ‘radical’ or ‘extreme’ to say this? … READ THE BILL YOURSELF! Post a response and debate the issue but for America’s sake, on the off chance that this is exactly as bad as it seems- call your congressman and tell him/her to not vote for this bill or any trace of it!

Thanks to BOA for breaking these next 500 pages down for us (for the first 500 page breakdown, click here: first 500 pages explained):


PG 502 Section 1181 Center for Comparative Effectiveness Research Established. – Hello Big Brother – Literally.

PG 502 Line 5-18 Government builds the “Center” to conduct, support, & synthesize research to define our HealthCare Services.

PG 503 Line 13-19 Government will build registries and data networks from YOUR electronic medical records.

PG 503 Line 21-25 Government may secure data directly from any department or agency of the US including your data.

PG 504 Line 6-10 The “Center” will collect data both published & unpublished (that means public & your private info)

PG 506 Line 19-21 The Center will recommend policies that would allow for public access of data

PG 518 Line 21-25 The Commission will have input from HealthCare consumer reps – Can you say unions & ACORN?

PG 524 18-22 Comparative Effectiveness Research Trust Fund set up. More taxes for ALL.

PG 525-620 deals with the Government basically taking over nursing homes,

PGs 525-620 deals with the Govt basically taking over nursing homes,long-term care facilities (think assisted living) through regulations of the facilities, the owners of sd facilities, the employees of sd facilities and even the land owners of that sd facilities reside on. Additionally as you read these 90+ pages you can come to the conclusion that any Health related svcs will be determined and rationed by the Govt for our senior citizens and others in nursing homes. This one post should do enough to raise awareness of the control the Govt is exerting over the older population of American citizens.

PG 620 Line 1-9 The Government will define, prioritize, and nationalize your Health Care Services.

PG 621 Lines 20-25 Government will define what Quality means in HealthCare. Since when does Government know about quality?

PG 622 Lines 2-9 To pay for the quality Standards Government will transfer $$ from to other Government Trust Funds. More Taxes.

PG 624 “Quality” measures shall be designed to assess outcomes & functional status of patients.

G 628 Section 1443 Government will give “Multi-Stake Holders” Pre-Rule Making input into Selection of “Quality” Measures.

PG 630 9-24/631 1-9 Those Multi-stake holder groups including Unions & groups like ACORN deciding HealthCare quality.

PG 632 Lines 14-25 The Government may implement any “Quality measure” of HealthCare Services as they see fit.

PG 633 14-25/ 634 1-9 The Secretary may issue non-endorsed “Quality Measures” for Physician Services & Dialysis Services.

PG 635 – 653 Physicians Payments Sunshine Provision – Government wants to shine sunlight on Docs but not Government.

PG 654-659 Public Reporting on Health Care-Associated Infections – Looks okay.

PG 660-671 Doctors in Residency – Government will tell you where your residency will be, thus where you’ll live.

PG 676-686 Government will regulate hospitals in EVERY aspect of residency programs, including teaching hospitals.

PG 686-700 Increased Funding to Fight Waste, Fraud, and Abuse. You mean the Government with an $18 mil website?

PGs 701-704 Section 1619 If your part of HealthCare plan that isn’t in Government HealthCare Exchange but you qualify for Federal aid, no payment.

705-709 SEC. 1128 If Secretary gets complaints (ACORN) on HealthCare provider or supplier, Government can do background check.

G 711 Lines 8-14 The Secretary has broad powers to deny HealthCare providers/suppliers admittance into HealthCare Exchange.

Pg 719-720 Section 1637 ANY Doctor who orders durable medical equipment or home medical services MUST be enrolled in Medicare.

PG 722 Section 1639 Government Mandates Doctors must have face-to-face with patient to certify patient for Home Health Services.

PG 724 Lines 16-22 Government reserves right to apply face-to-face certification for patient to ANY other HealthCare service.

PG 724 23-25 PG 725 1-5 The same Government certifications will apply to medicaid & CHIP (your kids) Pg 735 lines 16-25 For law enforcement purposes, the Secretary of Health & Human Services will give Attorney General access to ALL data.

PG 740-757 Government sets guidelines for subsidizing the uninsured (That’s your tax dollars peeps) Pg 757-762 Fed Government will shift burden of payments to Disproportionate Share Hospitals (DSH) to States. (Taxes)

Page 763 1-8 No DS/EA hospitals will be paid unless they provide services without regard to national origin Pg 765 Section 1711 Government will require Preventative Services including vaccines. (Choice?)

Pg 768 Section 1713 Government – Nurse Home Visitation Services (Hello union paybacks)

Pg 769 3-5 Nurse Home Visit Services – “increasing birth intervals between pregnancies.” Government Abortions anyone?

Pg 769 11-14 Nurse Home Visit Services include-economic self-sufficiency, employment advancement, school-readiness.

Pg 769 3-5 Nurse Home Visit Services – “increasing birth intervals between pregnancies.” Government ABORTIONS anyone?

Pg 770 SEC 1714 Federal Government mandates eligibility for State Family Planning Services. Say abortion & State Sovereign.

Pg 789-797 Government will set & mandate drug prices, controlling which drugs will brought to market. Bye innovation

Pgs 797-800 SEC. 1744 PAYMENTS for grad medical education. The government will now control Drs education. PG 801 Sec 1751 The Government will decide which Health care conditions will be paid. Say RATION!

Pg 810 SEC. 1759. Billing Agents, clearinghouses, etc. required to register. Government takes over private payment system.

Page 820-824 Sec 1801 Government will identify individuals ineligible for subsidies. Will access all personal finances.

Pg 824-829 SEC. 1802. Government Sets up Comparative Effectiveness Research Trust Fund. Another tax black hole.

PG 829-833 Government will impose a fee on ALL private health insurance plans including self insured to pay for Trust Fund!

PG 835 11-13 fees imposed by Government for Trust Fund shall be treated as if they were taxes.

838-840 Government will design & implement Home Visitation Program for families with young kids & families expecting kids.

PG 844-845 This Home Visitation Program includes Government coming into your house & telling you how to parent!!!

Pg 859 Government will establish a Public Health Fund at a cost of $88,800,000,000. Yes thats Billion.

PG 865 to 876 The NHS Corps is a program where Drs. perform mandatory HealthCare for 2 years for part loan repayment.

PG 876-892 The Government takes over the education of our Medical students and Drs.

PG 898 The Government will establish a Public Health Workforce Corps. to ensure supply of public health professionals.

PG 898 The Public health workforce corps shall consist of officers of Regular & Reserve Corps of Service.

898 The Public health workforce corps shall consist of civilian employees of the U.S. as Secretary deems.

PG 900 The Public Health Workforce Corps includes veterinarians.

901 The Public Health Workforce Corps WILL include commissioned Regular & Reserve Officers. HealthCare Draft?

PG 910 The Government will develop, build & run Public Health Training Centers.

PG 913-914 Government starts a HealthCare affirmative action program thru guise of diversity scholarships.

PG 915 SEC. 2251. Government MANDATES Cultural & linguistic competency training for HealthCare professionals.

Pg 932 The Government will establish Preventative & Wellness Trust fund – intial cost of $30,800,000,000-Billion.

PG 935 21-22 Government will identify specific goals & objectives for prevention & wellness activities. Control You!!

PG 936 Government will develop “Healthy People & National Public Health Performance Standards” Tell me what to eat?

PG 942 Lines 22-25 More Government? Offices of Surgeon General -Public Health Services, Minority Health, Women’s Health – THIS MEANS TAX DOLLARS USED TO PAY FOR ALL ABORTIONS.

PG 950- 980 BIG Government core public health infrastructure includes workforce capacity, lab systems; health information systems, etc

PG 993 Government will establish school based health clinics. Your kids wont have a chance.

PG 994 School Based Health Clinic will be integrated into the school environment. Say Government Brainwash!

PG 1001 The Government will establish a National Medical Device Registry. Will you be tracked?

PG 1003 9-11 National Medical Dev Reg ‘‘(iii) other postmarket device surveillance activities” you WILL be tracked.

PG 1018 States give up some of their State Sovereignty.

Posted in Barack Hussein Obama, Barack Obama, blog, Communism, democrats, DNC, federal, finance, laws, limousine liberals, medicaid, medical, medicare, money, Morality, National Security, policy, politics, Scandal, Senator Joe "doughnuts" Biden, Socialism, taxes, Tea Party, U.S. Constitution, U.S. House of Representatives, US Senate, Wasteful Spending, Wealth

A Sign that Obama is Indeed Giving Us More

Author: From • Aug 2nd, 2009
   Category: Blog Entries.Local, Politics

h/t Red Dog Express

Seen on US Hwy 15-501 at Lamm’s Grove intersection (near Durham , NC):

A sign that shows Obama is indeed giving us more.

A sign that shows Obama is indeed giving us more.

Posted in ACORN, Barack Hussein Obama, Barack Obama, blog, Communism, democrats, DNC, Ed Houck, federal, finance, humor, land rights, laws, limousine liberals, medicaid, medicare, Military, money, Morality, National Security, policy, politics, Scandal, Socialism, taxes, Tea Party, U.S. Constitution, Wasteful Spending, Wealth

Banner ads for McDonnell, Bolling, Cuccinelli, Cole, Orrock, Peace, Yakabouski, McGuire and Golfing with the GOP September 18 at Lee’s Hill Golf Club

Author: From • Aug 1st, 2009
   Category: Blog Entries.Local, Politics, Spotsylvania

Click banner ad to visit web sites:

QOTD: Tennessee Senator Lamar Alexander

Author: From • Jul 31st, 2009
   Category: Blog Entries.Local, Politics

“Even though Judge Sotomayor’s political and judicial philosophy may be different than mine, especially regarding Second Amendments rights, I will vote to confirm her because she is well qualified by experience, temperament, character and intellect to serve. In the same way, it is my hope that my vote now not only will help to confirm a well-qualified nominee but will help to return the Senate to the practice, only recently lost, of inquiring diligently into qualifications of a nominee and then accepting that elections have consequences, one of which is to confer upon the president the constitutional right to nominate justices.”